We serve SPAR retailers in South Africa and neighbouring countries through our eight distribution centres, which contract with more than 5 000 suppliers and service providers to offer 1 300 SPAR branded products to consumers through nine branded store formats.

Our range of store formats enables us to serve the full consumer income range (from basic to high-quality, specialised products) in all regions of South Africa and select neighbouring countries. Find our footprint here.

A significant portion of retail sales is sourced through our distribution centres – testimony that our offering remains comprehensive and competitive.

Through Freshline we offer ±420 bakery and 350 fresh produce lines distributed to about ±850 stores in the country.

We source locally. This is an ethical decision and reduces the risk and cost related to transport. Imports supplement local produce when necessary (for example, to mitigate seasonal variation and demand). Read about our flagship rural hub programme here.

Build it is stronger in rural areas than in the urban market. Most clients are small builders or contractors within the emerging market. Find out more about Build it’s offering here.

Find our store profiles here and read more about the distribution centres here.

Key priorities identified for 2019 and how we performed

Rollout and communication of the new supermarket strategy Read more here
Organic growth through refurbishments and store format optimisation Read more in the rest of this section
Driving increased purchases from Pharmacy at SPAR through S Buys and converting more independent pharmacies to our format Read more in the rest of this section
Growing Freshline and SPAR house brands as a differentiator Read more in the rest of this section
Develop management and leadership capabilities at distribution centres to support succession planning and growth ambitions Read more in the Chief Executive Officer’s report