We are constantly engaging with our stakeholders – through formal and informal channels on any and all topics relevant at the time. Our distribution centres operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


We regularly interact with suppliers at distribution centres and satellite warehouses during deliveries. Our joint business planning sessions target efficiencies in the supply chain, to the benefit of suppliers and SPAR.

South Africa

We engage through joint business planning sessions and initiatives such as the rural hubs. SPAR buyers typically engage with suppliers every six weeks, and monthly with larger suppliers. Purchasing managers engage quarterly and the divisional marketing director at least every six months.


Our most significant supplier engagement is at the annual BWG Foods tradeshow, one of Ireland’s largest retail trade events connecting more than 200 suppliers with about 3 000 retail representatives.


In Switzerland, our annual autumn tradeshow is a platform to share strategies and progress against our action plans with suppliers.


We engage with employees on all aspects of the business. To grow and inspire our people is one of our strategic focus areas.


Retailers regularly interact with regional and distribution centre management and operations teams. Retailers are also members of the regional and national guilds, with representatives who attend regular meetings to give input on marketing, pricing and strategy.

Our South African retail operations teams regularly visit stores and do monthly performance monitoring through tailored service packages.

South African, Irish and Swiss retailers are invited to the annual SPAR retail convention.

We invite retailers on “Look and Learn” trips, locally and abroad.

BWG Group’s field-based sales team engages with retailers, supported by merchandising and development teams. Regional meetings encourage communication and information sharing and include guild meetings, conventions and council meetings.

In Switzerland, the introduction of tradeshows, member meetings, a Marketing Committee, travel incentives and a revised co-operative and inclusive structure for our guild increased opportunities for engaging with retailers.

As the digital retail experience develops, SPAR provides retailers with more engagement options. The SPAR app and rewards programme enable them to engage with, share information and profile consumers in new ways.


We invite consumers to interact with us through marketing and promotional campaigns. We also do ad hoc customer perception surveys. For retailers, a critical success factor is proximity retailing and SPAR brand visibility in local communities. This creates the setting for high levels of consumer engagement.

In South Africa, we have an in-house customer care line.

Our owner-managed store model facilitates direct daily interaction with consumers.

We engage through social media channels, including Text Me and our SPAR rewards programme.


Each SPAR store aims to be at the centre of the community by offering an end-to-end product range.

We undertake philanthropic activitiesat retailer level to grow brand loyalty and play a positive role in the communities we operate in.

We invest in community development initiatives at group and distribution levels to address specific social and environmental challenges. Read our case studies for examples.