The Nomination Committee (the committee) presents the following report for the 2019 financial year.

Committee governance


Members of the committee for the financial year under review were independent non-executive directors, Mike Hankinson (Chairman), Harish Mehta and Phumla Mnganga. Their qualifications and experience are available here.


The committee met formally four times during the financial year under review. Members’ attendance at meetings are recorded here. The CEO attends meetings by standing invitation to make proposals and provide such information as the committee may require.

Evaluation of the committee

The committee conducted a self-assessment evaluation to measure its effectiveness and performance during the financial year under review. There were no concerns raised with the functioning of the committee nor with the efficiency and competence of its members. The next evaluation will be undertaken in 2021.

Role and responsibilities

The committee’s role and responsibilities are governed by its terms of reference as reviewed and approved annually by the board. The board has allocated the oversight of the process for nominating and electing members of the board, succession planning in respect of board members and the evaluation of the performance of the board, its committees and individual members to the committee.

The committee oversees:

  • the composition of the board and its committees by setting criteria for board positions, identifying candidates and making recommendations to the board on appointments – in doing so taking into consideration the board’s structure, size, diversity, demographics and balance between executive and non-executive directors;
  • succession planning for the Chairman, board members and the CEO, which includes the identification, mentorship and development of future candidates;
  • succession planning linked to all executive and senior management positions;
  • the induction of new directors and the ongoing training and professional development of board members, as and when required;
  • the effectiveness and ultimately the performance of the board, its committees and individual members; and
  • the evaluation of independence process.

The committee is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities in accordance with its terms of reference, a copy of which can be found online.

Key focus areas

Board and committee composition

A board appointment policy is in place and sets out the formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new members to the board and its committees. The following changes are noted in respect of the board and its committees:

  • In the 2018 integrated annual report the committee announced the retirement of Mike Hankinson before the 2020 AGM. However, after much consideration, taking into account his wealth of experience, knowledge and input, the board have requested Mike to stay on and remain the Chairman of the board until the 2021 AGM.
  • Graham O’Connor’s employment contract as the CEO of SPAR was extended to 2021.
  • Phinda Madi retired as a non-executive director and member of the Risk Committee on 12 February 2019.
  • Lwazi Koyana was appointed by the board as a non-executive director with effect from 14 May 2019 and as a member of the Social and Ethics Committee and Risk Committee with effect from 1 November 2019. Given his appointment was made between AGM’s, he will stand for election at the 2020 AGM. The committee assessed the eligibility of Lwazi as a board and committee member and the board accepted the result of the assessment. Accordingly, the board recommends his appointment to shareholders at the 2020 AGM.
  • Roelf Venter retired as an executive director on 1 October 2019.
  • Wayne Hook will retire as an executive director and member of the Social and Ethics committee on 31 December 2019.
  • Chris Wells will retire as a non-executive director, at the 2020 AGM.
  • Chris Wells will retire as a non-executive director, member of the social and ethics committee and chairman of the risk committee and audit committee.
  • Andrew Waller has been nominated to replace Chris as the chairman of the Audit Committee at the 2020 AGM, following Chris’s retirement. The committee assessed the eligibility of Andrew as the chairman of the Audit Committee and the board accepted the result of the assessment. Accordingly, the board recommends his appointment as the chairman of the Audit Committee to shareholders at the 2020 AGM.
  • Marang Mashologu will replace Chris as the Chairperson of the Risk Committee with effect from 1 February 2020.
  • Graham O’Connor will replace Wayne as a member of the Social and Ethics Committee with effect from 1 January 2020.

The average age of the board is 59 years (2018: 58), therefore succession planning continues to be a key focus area for the board as a whole. It is the boards intention to balance fresh perspectives from new directors with the experience and knowledge of the directors due to retire.

The average tenure of board members is 10 years (2018: 11 years).

Newly-appointed directors receive a comprehensive induction pack which includes the company’s MOI, board charter, committees’ terms of reference, board policies and other documents relating to the company. Directors are encouraged to attend courses that provide them with the necessary training and information related to their duties, responsibilities, powers and potential liabilities, with regulatory and legislative updates provided at quarterly meetings.

Board diversity

The board recognises the benefits of a diverse board and has adopted a board diversity policy which sets out its approach to board diversity. The voluntary targets in terms of the policy are a minimum of three black people (as defined by the Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003) and two females. At the date of this report, the board comprised of four black people, two of whom are female. A copy of the board diversity policy is available online.

The company is member of the 30% Club of Southern Africa. The aim of the club is to develop a diverse pool of talent for all businesses through the efforts of respective Chairman and CEO members. Business Engage, who are the custodians of the club, run a number of very specific and targeted networking initiatives that look to broaden the pipeline of women at all levels, from “schoolroom to boardroom”. Selected SPAR employees are encouraged to attend these initiatives, which provide them with valuable business insight and help them unlock their future potential to become aspiring leaders.

Rotation of non-executive directors

The company’s MOI requires that one-third of those elected non-executive directors who have served in office longest since their last election, retire by rotation at each AGM and being eligible these non-executive directors may seek re-election should they so wish.

Harish Mehta, Phumla Mnganga and Andrew Waller are required to retire by rotation at the 2020 AGM and have made themselves available for re-election.

The committee has conducted an assessment of the performance of each of the retiring directors and the board accepted the results of the assessment. Accordingly, the board recommends their re-election to shareholders.


All directors have a duty to act with independence of mind at the 2020 AGM and, in the best interests of the company. Accordingly, the board agreed that internally facilitated independence assessments would be conducted annually by the committee for each non-executive director who has served on the board beyond nine years, and that an externally facilitated, independent assessment would be conducted every three years. The last externally facilitated independence assessment was conducted in 2017 and will again be conducted in 2020.

The board conducted an assessment of the independence and performance of Mike Hankinson, Harish Mehta and Phumla Mnganga who have all served on the board for more than nine years and believe that they continue to be independent of mind, act in the best interest of the company and provide valuable insight and input into the company’s strategy, despite their long tenure on the board.

The assessment is based on whether the director has no interest, position, association or relationship which, when judged from the perspective of a reasonable and informed third party, is likely to influence unduly or cause bias in the decision-making in the best interest of the company.

Performance evaluations

The board agreed that the performance evaluation process would not be externally facilitated and that internal evaluation questionnaires would be completed biannually in respect of the following areas:

  • the effectiveness of the board’s composition, governance processes and procedures;
  • the effectiveness of the board’s committees in discharging their respective mandates;
  • the effectiveness of the executive directors; and
  • the effectiveness and contributions of each of the directors.

The evaluation in respect of the above areas was conducted during the financial year under review with no concerns raised. The next performance evaluation process will be undertaken in 2021.

In addition to the key focus areas detailed above, the committee received feedback on the succession of executive and senior management. Refer to the CEO’s report regarding the various changes made to the Executive Management Committee during the financial year under review.


Mike Hankinson
Chairman of the Nomination Committee
12 November 2019